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Abortion: "The Right to Choose"

If there was ever a “red herring” (diversion tactic), the use of the argument “a woman should have a right to choose” is one. Abortion involves choice and a woman has the choice to kill her unborn baby or bring it to term. This choice is there regardless of what the law of the land says. But what about this argument: “A woman has the right to choose”? Is this a sound argument against the idea that abortion is wrong and should not be legal or supported by the government? No! It is not a sound argument—it is a red herring and many have blindly repeated it regardless of it pointlessness. A baby is not a choice any more than a mother or father is a choice. A baby is a human being and civilized people do not kill innocent human beings—especially babies. They may choose to do so, but that does not mean it the right choice no matter who says it is or how many absurd arguments are made to justify it.

Below is a link to an excellent article on this subject for those who care what God thinks about the popular abortion practice. http://www.biblebelievers.com/jmelton/abortion.html

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