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Why the Bible Is Important to You

Everyone wonders at times about serious moral or spiritual questions like: Why do we exist? Where did the world come from? Is there life after death?

We need guidance and wisdom in life and the sooner we learn that we cannot look to man for guidance and wisdom the better. Man cannot answer these questions. Many learned men do not even attempt to answer such basic moral and spiritual questions. If they do try, they cannot prove their views are right or wrong, and they often contradict one another. “The way of man is not in himself; It is not in man who walks to direct his own steps” (Jer 10:23).

Man needs a source of guidance from one who really knows the answers. The Bible claims to answer the questions. “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path” (Psalms 119:105). “Your word is truth (John 17:17). “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work” (2 Tim 3:16, 17).

Below are some reasons why you should spend your time and effort to understand the Bible: 1) The Bible tells your origin; 2) the Bible tells how much God cares for you; 3) the Bible tells how you can become a member of God's family; 4) the Bible offers worthwhile goals for your life; 5) the Bible states that God sent His Son to die for you; 6) the Bible tells what happens to people after death.

Most people, at some time in their life, wonder about the origin of the earth and mankind. But often they are confused because they have been told at school and on the history channel that we evolved from "lower animals," which came from simpler organisms, all the way back to some original life form. But evolution cannot answer basic questions like: Where did the first life come from? Evolution requires that non-living matter produced the first life form by chance where there was no life before. But what we see around us is that life comes only from life. This is called the "Law of Biogenesis."

Evolution cannot answer basic questions like: Where did all the different kinds of living things come from? Evolution says that all life forms evolved from the first life. But human experience and the fossil record both confirm that living things reproduce "after their own kind" as the Bible affirms. The offspring of a fish is another fish, not a snake, bird, or man. The "missing links"--fossils of organisms halfway between the kinds of plants or animals, that evolutionists have insisted exist, are all still missing!

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