Welcome to the... Forum church of Christ 
36529 Spur 23      
Huntsville, Arkansas 72740 
Forum church of Christ

The Church Jesus Built

An architect drew up one set of blueprints for a house and gave copies to ten homebuilders, asking each of them to follow the blueprints and build a house. After the houses were completed there should have been ten houses exactly alike, because each house was to be constructed from the same design. But instead no two of the houses were alike. Obviously the builders made changes to the original design of the house. Thus they did not produce what the architect wanted, but rather what they wanted.

Jesus built His church just as He promised (Matt 16:18). From the letters to various churches (1 Cor. 14:37) the apostles (by inspiration) detailed It’s organization, doctrine, work and worship. To keep His people unified and working from the same blueprint Jesus commanded John to write, “Whoever transgresses and does not abide in the doctrine of Christ does not have God. He who abides in the doctrine of Christ has both the Father and the Son” (2 John 9). Jesus made a comparable statement during His life, “And in vain they worship Me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men” (Matt 15:9). Can anyone prove that the above teaching does not apply to doctrinal issues in the church? Can we have an uncaring attitude regarding the church of the Lord an maintain a healthy spiritual relationship with God (Matt 7:21-23; Psa. 127:1)?

Hear are some simple yet important questions: Why are there so many churches today with conflicting organizations and teachings? Is it not because modifications were made to God’s blueprint for the church and the local congregation? Is it not because men have added their own details to God’s plan instead of doing precisely what He ordered?

The church of Christ at Forum welcomes visitors and/or private home studies. See the link below for contact information: www.ForumCOC.org