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36529 Spur 23      
Huntsville, Arkansas 72740 
Forum church of Christ

Jesus is Knocking

Jesus said, "Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me" (Rev 3:20). Jesus desires that you be saved (Matt 11:28-30). God does not want anyone to be eternally lost (2 Pet 3:9). So he sent his Son to actively seek you out; he knocks on the door of your heart. He calls to you with the good news of salvation (Rom 1:16), which He uses to draw you to Himself (John 6:44-45).

Jesus asks permission to enter your heart; he knocks, he does not force His way in! So you are not passive in salvation. Jesus said, "…If any man hear my voice, and open the door…". You must hear the call of Jesus through the gospel (2 Thess 2:14), and you must open your heart to His will (the New Testament). But you can wait too long. In the Parable of the ten virgins, five did not prepare to meet the bridegroom (Matt 15:1-13). Those who were prepared "went in with him" (Christ). But "the door [into the wedding] was shut" against the five who were unprepared (Matt 25:10).

Will you let Jesus enter your heart? Will you answer his knock or call to believe His divinity, to repent of sins, to confess faith in Him, and to be baptized for the remission of your sins (John 8:24, Acts 17:30-31, Rom 10: 9-10, Acts 2: 38)? Will you acknowledge Him as Lord and abide in His word (2 John 9)? He's knocking! Are you listening? Will you let him in?

The church of Christ at Forum welcomes visitors and/or private home studies. See the link below for contact information: www.ForumCOC.org